This is exactly how to find your stay at home mom motivation and maintain it.
Finding your stay at home mom motivation can be a challenge. Being a stay at home mom is a truly amazing job. It is such a beautiful thing to get to spend all your days with your kids because time really does fly by. As women, we have a way of taking care of everyone in our house and we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. There are so many challenges and joys of being a stay at home mom. Don’t let yourself fall into a mom rut. Make an effort to supercharge your motivation.
Kids need structure and following the same routine daily has a way of leaving us feeling like all the days are running together As a stay at home mama myself, I know how difficult it can be to find your mom motivation. I also know how crucial it is to find motivation for a fulfilling journey.
Some people have the perception that stay at home moms have all the time in the world to do all the things. Most of our energy goes toward catering to our family’s needs and as a result, we tend to put our own needs on the back burner. I am sharing ways to supercharge your motivation. Your stay at home mom motivation can catapult you into fulfillment and happiness. So let’s break down stay at home mom motivation and how we can unleash our inner superhero.
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This post is all about stay at home mom motivation.
So what is motivation anyway? Motivation is why someone does something. Motivation helps us reach our goals because it pushes us. Of course, motivation is significant and plays a huge role in parenting.
Like many other mamas, I want my daughter to live the healthiest life possible. So I strive to cook her well-balanced meals that will support her growth and foster a healthy relationship with food.
How to Supercharge Your Stay at Home Mom Motivation
Get Dressed
Get dressed! This will help set the tone for the rest of your day. There is something magical about getting dressed. It really does give me more motivation to cross things off my to-do list. The days where I stay in my pajamas all day long, are the days I am lacking motivation. We all have those days.
Being a stay at home mom is a full-time job. You don’t get a whole lot of time for yourself. So get dressed just like you would for any other job. Okay, not any other job. My teaching clothes are totally different from my at home mom clothes. I keep it very casual at home. Comfort is key for mom life. Especially while chasing after a busy toddler! How else can you improve your stay at home mom motivation?
Wake Up Before Your Kids
This is magical for me. I have to wake up before my daughter. I love being awake while everyone else in the house is asleep. Having time to relax while sipping on a hot cup of coffee is key to a productive day for me. This gives me time to wake up peacefully and get motivated for the day.
Don’t get me wrong. There have definitely been days when my daughter wakes up before me. I am being completely honest when I say those days have been so hectic. I’ve got to have some me time.
Give yourself some time during the day to relax by yourself. Even if it is just for a little bit. I promise it makes a huge difference! This really helps my stay at home mom motivation.
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Take Advantage of A Routine
Kids need structure. They thrive with a routine. So do we moms. If you have been feeling unmotivated, try making and sticking to a routine. I know our daily routine like the back of my hand. So does my daughter. When we are running late for nap time, she will actually point to her room. She is definitely her mama’s daughter.
Having a routine helps my daughter know what comes next in her day. She knows that after her morning snack, she gets to play a little bit before her nap. On the days we are visiting her grandparents, she refuses to take a nap. She has FOMO (fear of missing out). On those days we have to put her to bed early because boy oh boy she is not herself.
Having a routine will help you make time to accomplish what you need to. Even though I am a stay at home mom, I do dedicate time to my blog daily during her nap time. Once I put her down for a nap my brain is focused on writing my weekly blog post. You may have something else to focus on during nap time. The point is to spend time on your break doing whatever it is you need to do for you.
I also give her a little bit of time during the day to watch a show. During this time I usually am folding clothes, loading the dishwasher, or tending to other quick things around the house. I have to admit that a clean house helps improve my mom motivation. When everything is clean, I can take on the world.
Set Goals
Here are some practical strategies to boost motivation. Always set clear goals for yourself. The key to staying motivated is to always have something you are working toward.
You should also set clear intentions. What will you do today? Some of the clear intentions I set for myself look like, “Today, I will prepare healthy food for the family to eat.” Another clear intention I often set is, “Today, I will be engaged and present.” It is so easy to get distracted by things around us. The TV, outside noise, life! Setting clear goals and intentions helps me boost my motivation. Big time!
When setting goals for yourself remember to set both personal and parenting goals. What do you want to achieve for yourself? What goals will help you be a better parent to your little one? Goals are constant reminders of what you need to be working on.
When setting personal and parenting goals, be sure to break them into manageable steps. If my personal goal is to eat a healthier diet, the first step is planning healthy meals for the week. Another manageable step is to buy the healthy food I intend to eat. You see what I am saying. The steps need to support your goals.
If you are a stay at home mom lacking motivation, try setting some goals and intentions for yourself. I bet that will make a positive difference for you. Keep reading for some more tips for stay at home mom motivation.
Stop Comparing Yourself
Stop comparing yourself to others. Society makes this really hard. The moms you see on social media have their struggles too. Moms are superheroes. Always aspire to be the best version of yourself that you can be. That is all we can do. I am sure you are doing a fantastic job!
Give Yourself Grace
You deserve a break sometimes. Nobody is perfect and we are all a work in progress. It is important to realize that some days we are super productive and other days not so much. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It is completely okay. We all have our days and life happens. Ready to find out what else you can do to supercharge your stay at home mom motivation?
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Make A List Of Three Things To Do
This is something I started doing when I became a mom and it helped me tremendously. I highly recommend making a list of three things you hope to achieve each day. Usually, my list includes things I need to do around the house. This is a great way to enhance your stay at home mom motivation. It is so easy to check three to-do’s off your list. When I complete my list by lunchtime, I am feeling so accomplished.
Find Something To Do That You Love
Another great way to improve your stay at home mom motivation is to nurture personal interests and passions. You spend so much time taking care of everyone around you. Take care of yourself too by dedicating time to something that makes you happy. What do you enjoy doing?
When you carve out time during your day or week for hobbies and self-expression, you will boost your motivation. We all need that outlet. When you do something for yourself, your family will be happier too. I promise.
I started this blog when I became a stay at home mom. Honestly, it feels really good to have something that is mine. Plus, I get to write about topics that are near and dear to my heart. Another perk is that it brings in money for my family. Carving out time each day to do something that you care about is exactly how to stay motivated as a stay at home mom.
Whatever hobby or interest you choose, try to connect with like-minded people. Doing this motivates you to keep going. If you really enjoy working out, find a friend who shares the same interest. Having a buddy sometimes gives us the little push we need some days. Regularly participating in an activity you love positively affects your stay at home mom motivation.
Meal Prep
Do this one day and take note of how this makes your life better. Meal prepping is something I do all the time. Why? It saves me so much time. I absolutely love meals that I can just dump in the crock pot and let cook all day for me.
I am not sure about you but dinner time is the craziest time of the day. I prepare dinner, make baby’s plate for her, feed her, feed the family, clean the high chair, clean up the kitchen, and so on. I am sure you are also feeling like you run around the house like a chicken with its head cut off this time of day. There is a lot going on.
So anytime I can just prepare meals in advance and make our dinner time routine a bit easier, I will do that! I usually double the ingredients so we can enjoy it two nights in a row. This helps maximize your time and it is so good for your stay at home mom motivation.
PRO TIP: Food is medicine. When I prepare healthy meals, it gives me motivation.
Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mama, self-care is so important. This is one of my favorite stay at home mom motivation tips. Pamper yourself. You deserve to prioritize self-care and well-being. Personally, after I do something for myself, I feel so energized and recharged.
Saying you need to prioritize self-care is easy, but make sure to establish self-care routines and rituals. Here is how I practice self-care: wear a face mask, take a bubble bath, practice yoga, eat healthily, start my day with a warm cup of lemon water, treat myself to a spa day, get my hair done, and get my nails done.
Seek support from family and friends if you need to. When I need to run out to get my hair or nails done, I will give my mom a call to babysit my daughter. She loves it. It’s a win-win for both of us.
Here is another great idea that is sure to help your stay at home mom motivation. It is no secret that working out is amazing for our health. Besides how beneficial it is for us physically, it is excellent for our mental health. If you are feeling like an unmotivated stay at home mom, try incorporating a new workout regimen into your routine. This is sure to enhance your stay at home mom motivation.
Build A Support Network
Surround yourself with a support network. The saying it takes a village is so true, Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If your family lives nearby, ask them if they’d be willing to watch your little one for you. You can use this break to catch up on things around the house, run errands, go on a date night, or whatever you want! I know our family is always happy to get some extra time with our little darling.
Connect with other stay at home moms. Your little ones will make meeting new mom friends easy. Perhaps your little babe meets a friend at the park. This is a great opportunity to connect and set up a playdate. Other great places to connect with other stay at home mamas are through sports, dance lessons, or even in a playgroup.
Leave the House
Whenever I am losing my motivation, I get out of the house. We will walk around downtown and do some shopping, go for a walk in the park, or visit family. This does wonders for my stay at home mom motivation. Sometimes we all just need a little change of scenery. This is another nice little reset. Getting out and about is great for your stay at home mom motvation.
Schedule A Date Night
It is always nice to have something to look forward to. Especially a hot date with your hunky husband. Schedule regular date nights with your hubby and treat yourselves. Enjoy eating your dinner without any interruptions.
Practice Gratitude and A Positive Mindset
A great way to cultivate gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal. I have this journal and it is really helpful. I find that it reminds me to be thankful and really puts things into perspective.
Find joy in everyday moments. Being able to be a stay to home mom is such a blessing. Take note of all the cute, entertaining, and funny moments that you are so lucky to witness. Enjoy the little things.
Embrace Continuous Learning and Growth
I can’t stress this one enough. As a first-time mama, I am constantly learning new things. There is always something new to learn. As a former educator, I have a strong understanding that life is about learning and adapting. Seek new information, ask questions, and explore educational resources for development.
I am loving our Loveevery Toy subscription. I love that this company educates me about my daughter’s development every month. The Lovevery play kits include toys that cater to your child’s cognitive development. Every toy challenges and fosters their learning. These play kits teach me something new and my daughter too. We couldn’t be happier with these toys. Now onto some more stay at home mom motivation tips.
Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated
Welcome to motherhood. Like life, there will always be challenges. Don’t let those challenges defeat you. Find a solution and keep going. Sometimes it feels like all life’s challenges are happening at once. This is a great opportunity to practice some self-care and take a breather.
Burnout can happen to anyone. So it is important to understand what it is and what are stay at home mom burnout signs. Burnout is when you feel exhausted in all areas. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. Burnout has a major negative impact on motivation. Once you hear the signs you will understand how. Some of these signs include exhaustion, being crabby, feeling that you aren’t good enough, or feeling like you want to quit.
This is where taking care of yourself comes into play. If you feel burnout, it could be that you are in need of alone time. Try to get a sitter for the day and do something that makes you feel joy. This is always a nice little break. Remember it takes a village. We all need a little break from time to time. Be sure to schedule self-care rituals more routinely.
Adjusting Expectations and Embracing Imperfections
One of the challenges that goes along with having kids is not having the time to get things done. Adjust your expectations. I had to learn this early on. Come to terms that the house is not always going to be tidy. There will be days when the sink is filled with dirty dishes. It will all be okay. If you did not complete your daily to-do, tomorrow is a new day. Embrace the imperfections. Let go of perfectionism. Celebrate the small victories and progress you’ve made.
In Conclusion
We all need to recharge our stay at home mom motivation from time to time. If you are feeling like you need a reboot try incorporating the ideas mentioned in this post. I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to remember to make yourself happy too. Do not neglect yourself. You’ve got this mama!
This post was all about stay at home mom motivation.
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