Are you looking to find out what to put in diaper caddy?
Here are all the essentials for what to put in diaper caddy.
Figuring out what to put in diaper caddy or nappy caddy can be a tricky task. An organized diaper caddy makes it really easy for you to quickly get through changing your baby’s diaper AND it also helps you stay organized. A caddy is a portable way to ensure that you are always ready for a diaper change. No matter where you are in your house. Newborns have a lot of dirty diapers. It is wise to have a diaper-changing caddy or two prepared with all the essentials within easy reach. This is something I learned as a new parent.
I am sharing with you all the diaper caddy essentials, DIY diaper caddy, the most important things to put in your diaper caddy, how to organize baby caddy, and much more.
The key to motherhood is staying organized. You can achieve anything when you are organized. My favorite part about organization is that it helps you quickly complete ANY task. As a mama myself, I am sharing how to figure out what to put in diaper caddy. Before we dive into the list of what to put in diaper caddy, go ahead and grab yourself this insanely magical diaper rash cream. It always gets the job done! BE SURE TO USE PROMO CODE “BUMPTOBUSY10” TO EARN 10% OFF YOUR ORDER.
This post is all about what to put in diaper caddy. So what to put in a diaper caddy?
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What To Put In Diaper Caddy
I suggest setting up diaper caddies in rooms of your house that you spend a lot of your time in. If you have a two-story house, traveling upstairs to the nursery for diaper changes may not be practical. It may be beneficial to keep a diaper caddy with your diaper-changing essentials stowed away in your living room or perhaps inside your playroom. Having a diaper caddy or two around the house is a great way to always be ready for a diaper change. If your baby is a newborn, you may even decide to keep one in your bedroom with all the baby essentials.
What do you put in a baby diaper caddy? Here are all the diaper caddy essentials I swear by!
1. Diapers
Disposable diapers are a must-have! Quite honestly, they are the biggest essential for your diaper caddy.
These are my favorite diapers. I am sure they will soon become your favorite too! We have been using these since my daughter was born and we never had a reason to switch. I especially love how great they are for eczema. They’re amazing for sensitive skin. My daughter has eczema and there were times when she had horrible flare-ups on other places of her body, but she never had a flare-up on or around her diaper area. You ALWAYS should have extra diapers ready to pull.
An optional item to add to your diaper changes is a changing pad. A changing pad keeps messes from a diaper contained for when you are not changing the baby on a changing table. Hey new moms, this was life-changing for me! When your baby goes to the bathroom DURING a diaper change, these changing pads provide an extra layer of protection. A changing pad is a great addition to what to put in diaper caddy.
Are you a cloth diapers fan? If so, you can easily add these to your diaper caddy! Okay, so you’re still wondering what to put in diaper caddy. Let’s get into the rest of the list.
2. Diaper Cream
Still, wondering what to put in diaper caddy? Diaper cream is another great item for your portable diaper caddy. You never know when diaper rash is going to rear its ugly head. We do not just store diaper cream in the baby’s nursery.
Your baby’s bottom will REALLY appreciate this diaper cream. It has never let us down when it comes to diaper rashes. SHOP NOW AND USE PROMO CODE “BUMPTOBUSY10” TO EARN 10% OFF.
What is next on the what to put in diaper caddy list?
3. Butt Spatula
Everywhere my diaper cream goes, my butt spatula goes! I have a handful of these because I love them SO much. I keep one in my diaper caddy, my diaper bag, and another at my parents’ house. These make applying diaper cream so easy without getting your hands dirty. They are dishwasher-safe and honestly a baby must-have! Read on for more about what to put in diaper caddy. The best piece of advice my friend gave me was to buy a few butt spatulas. You need to do the same and I promise it will change the game.
Ready for more about what to put in diaper caddy?
4. Baby Wipes
You can’t have diapers without wipes or water wipes. I am a huge fan of Huggies. I always buy my wipes in bulk. I swear doing this will make life so much better for your entire family! That is the best new baby tip. Never let your stash get low. What a nightmare it would be to run out of diapers or disposable wipes. This is why I always make sure to have PLENTY of everything and keep a pack of wipes in my diaper caddy basket. Newborn babies require many wipes! If you are wondering what to put in diaper caddy. Baby wipes are an actual MUST!
If you are trying to be environmentally friendly, you can also try using cloth wipes. They pair great with cloth diapers if that is what you choose to use.
5. Hand Sanitizer
I always carry hand sanitizer. I highly recommend you do the same. I have it in my diaper bag, my car, and in my diaper caddy. Blowouts are a real thing and diaper changes can get very messy. For that reason, you’ll want to have easy access to hand sanitizer. Be sure to throw some travel-size hand sanitizer inside your diaper caddy. Hand sanitizer is always a great idea. Want to know more about what to put in diaper caddy?
6. Baby Lotion
We are huge fans of lotion in our house. This is the first thing and last thing we reach for on a REGULAR basis.
Due to eczema, I have to lotion my daughter 4 times a day. The lotion we use does a great job of moisturizing my baby’s skin. We were thankfully able to get her eczema under control. Before using this lotion, my daughter had such dry skin. I swear this lotion is the reason her skin looks so great. Honestly, if your child does not have eczema, this lotion will still do wonders for your skin. I think it was actually sent from Heaven.
I use a second lotion to treat her dry and red areas. After applying it, the redness and itchiness goes away really quickly. I highly recommend it!
Cream is a great addition to your diaper caddy and one of the essential baby items. Here is a special treat for you. IF YOU SHOP THROUGH THE LINK BELOW, YOU WILL EARN 10% OFF OF YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE! Happy shopping!
(RELATED POST: Understanding and Managing Baby Eczema: A Comprehensive Guide)
Keep reading for more about what to put in diaper caddy!
7. Plastic Bags
I also buy doggy bags in bulk. They serve two purposes. I use them to clean up my dog’s mess and I also use them to dispose of my daughter’s dirty diaper.
This comes especially in handy and is an important item when you are changing your baby somewhere away from the diaper pail. Plastic bags are great for a quick diaper change. You are always going to need a plastic bag! These are the perfect size. You will LOVE having these around.
PRO TIP: Keep some of these doggy bags in your diaper bag.
8. Nail File
I am obsessed with electric nail files. This nail file makes clipping your baby’s nails so easy and effortless. You will never have to worry about hurting your baby while tending to their nails. You can change the file speed based on your baby’s age. So it is perfect. I could never bring myself to use actual nail clippers on my baby. The idea alone made me so nervous.
More about what to put in diaper caddy, please!
9. Baby Toys
Once your baby becomes more active, it is all about the distraction during diaper changes. Want to know what to put in diaper caddy? TOYS!
Keep a favorite toy inside of your diaper caddy to whip out and keep your little one busy while you take care of the mess. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE TOYS ARE EXCELLENT! Small toys are always good idea to keep in your diaper caddy.
(RELATED POST: Where To Find The Best Montessori Toys For 1 Year Old Toddlers | An Honest Experience)
10. Extra clothes
Here’s another must-have item for what to put in diaper caddy. Always keep a pair of extra change of clothes handy, especially in those early days. As a first-time mom, I had no idea just how explosive little babies can be. I had no idea just how many clothes were going to need to be deep cleaned by the washing machine. I always had an extra onesie within arm’s reach.
PRO TIP: It took me forever to figure out how to get poop stains out of my daughter’s clothes. I tried all the spot treatments and nothing worked like Lestoil. I keep my Lestoil in a spray bottle and simply spray it on the stained area. I usually let it sit for about 20 minutes before throwing it in the washer.
Keep reading for more about what to put in diaper caddy.
11. Burp Cloths
Need to know what to put in diaper caddy for newborns? Burp cloths, burp cloths, burp cloths! This is where having a diaper caddy or two set up in your house comes in handy. You likely won’t have to travel far to grab a burp cloth. Newborns need these frequently. I love these burp cloths. Go ahead and get your little darling these burp cloths.
12. Thermometer
Another great item for your diaper caddy is a thermometer. I have a few around my house. This is something you absolutely need from the very beginning.
13. Brush
I am not sure about your little darling’s hair, but my daughter’s hair gets very wild. Adding to our list of what to put in diaper caddy, a brush is an absolute must! I love our brush. It took me entirely too long to figure out that I needed to make the switch to a more gentle brush. Many babies suffer from cradle cap and eczema. If your child does, this is the perfect brush. After making the switch to this brush, you will notice the flakes going away. This brush is the perfect solution.
Here is a bonus item for what to put in diaper caddy!
14. Nasal Aspirator
Having a nasal aspirator in the house is one of the essential items for when your baby is sick. They are too little to know how to blow their nose, so you have to essentially do it for them with a nasal aspirator. Want to learn more about a nasal aspirator? Find out more here.
Having one in your diaper caddy along with one in your bathroom makes it so you have one within reach at all times. If your bathroom is on a different floor of your house, it requires one less trip upstairs. Nasal aspirators make such a difference in your baby’s nose.
Now that you know what to put in diaper caddy, let’s get into where to find the perfect diaper caddy.
Diaper Caddy Organizer
Now it is time to decide on your type of diaper caddy. I am obsessed with these storage baskets. You will be able to use them for all sorts of things. They come in a set of 5 sizes and can be used for just about anything. I use these to organize items inside my closet as well as my diaper caddies! You can choose the size that will hold all the items you decide to keep inside your diaper caddy.
Do I need a diaper bag and caddy?
Everyone has their own opinion. To be frank, I could not imagine my life without a diaper bag and caddy. Both my diaper bag and diaper caddy keep me organized and ready to go.
So if you ask me…do I need a diaper bag? YES! Or do I need a diaper caddy? YES! The answer is 1000% yes. Life is easier with a diaper bag and caddy.
Is a diaper cart necessary?
It depends on if you have the extra space. I do not have a diaper cart because I have a diaper-changing table that organizes all my baby-changing items very well.
My caddies also do a great job organizing when we are away from the nursery. So I never had a need for a diaper cart.
I know some mamas who like to have a diaper cart if they have a really small space and do not have great storage. So do what works for you!
Where to put diaper caddy
Now that you know what to put in diaper caddy, let’s chat about where to keep yours. Put your diaper caddy or caddies where you hang out most often in your house.
If your baby is a newborn, you may decide to keep one in your bedroom.
I keep a diaper caddy in my living room because that is where our family spends the most time. It does not sit out in plain sight. I have it tucked inside of my living room closet. It is easily accessible when I need it.
What to put in bedside diaper caddy
Are you curious about what to put in diaper caddy for a newborn? If you have a newborn and want to keep a bedside diaper caddy, you will probably want to add all of the items mentioned on the list. Except maybe a toy. I didn’t start keeping a toy inside of my diaper caddy until my daughter became much more wiggly and mobile. It was then that I knew I needed a good distraction.
Curious about what to put in diaper changing station?
I wrote a post that details baby dresser organization tips. I have a diaper-changing table on top of my dresser and this post will tell you exactly how to organize everything. Including what is stored inside each drawer. Click the post below to make organizing your baby dresser a breeze!
(RELATED POST: 7 Essential Baby Dresser Organization Tips That Are Life-Changing)
What to put in diaper bag
I am a big fan of keeping it simple. I wrote this post about what to put in your minimalist diaper bag. It includes a diaper bag checklist for newborns and toddlers. Don’t miss out!
(RELATED POST: 8 Absolute Must On Our Minimalist Diaper Bag Checklist)
Did you remember to grab these perfect diaper caddy baskets? I am sure you will LOVE them!
This post was all about what to put in diaper caddy. Now hopefully you know what to put in diaper caddy!
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