Are you on the hunt for a first trimester to do list for first time moms? The free printable included will help keep you on track.

This first trimester to do list for first time moms is HEAVENLY. This post will serve as an ultimate guide during your first trimester. You probably already know you’re in for hormonal changes (hello mood swings), morning sickness, fatigue, tender breasts, and other fun early pregnancy symptoms. BUT! You are also in for a beautiful pregnancy journey. Which will result in your beautiful baby lying in your arms.
Once you get your first positive pregnancy test, you are flooded with all sorts of emotions. If you are like me, after the excitement sets in then comes the overwhelm. Preparing for a baby takes a lot of time and preparation. This first trimester checklist will help you feel LESS overwhelmed and more at ease.
Luckily, there isn’t TOO much to do during the first trimester. So don’t worry. I’ve created a checklist that is going to guide you from day 1 until the second trimester. So get comfortable and grab a drink. Since we are talking about grabbing a drink… THIS WATER BOTTLE IS GOING TO HELP YOU REMEMBER TO STAY HYDRATED. Pregnancy brain is a real thing and having a large water bottle remind you to get your daily intake is insanely helpful.
This post is all about the first trimester to do list for first time moms.
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First Trimester To Do List For First Time Moms
Symptoms During The First Trimester
Before we check out the first trimester to do list for first time moms, let’s take about a few important topics. Starting with symptoms. During the first trimester of pregnancy, you can expect to experience LOTS of symptoms. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones. You will go through different emotional changes and physical changes too.
Your hormone levels will rise. As a result, fatigue, sore breasts, nausea, mood swings, increased frequency to urinate, skin changes, and shortness of breath are common symptoms.
Foods To Avoid & Lifestyle Changes
Besides having a first trimester to do list for first time moms or even seasoned mamas, it is equally as helpful to understand the adjustments you’ll have to make now that you are expecting.
Pregnant women will need to make some lifestyle changes. Now is the time to avoid alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs, raw fish, raw eggs, fish that are high in mercury, undercooked meat, lunchmeat, unpasteurized milk and cheese, too much caffeine, and hot tubs during pregnancy.
Naturally, you’ll want to maintain a healthy diet. However, the first trimester can be a really challenging time. You may be experiencing morning sickness or food aversion, making it difficult to eat. It can be especially hard to eat nutritious foods. You can only do your best!
Make sure that you are taking your prenatal vitamins and that you book your first prenatal visit. Your doctor will confirm the pregnancy, answer any questions you may have, and schedule your future prenatal care visits.
Whether this is your first pregnancy or not, the first trimester is an exciting time. It is also very normal to feel anxious and exhausted during this time. So drink lots of water and relax as much as you can.
Now let’s get into the first trimester to do list for first time moms.
What Should I Do During My First Trimester?
Weeks 1-4
You may find out that you are pregnant during week 3 or 4 of pregnancy. Whenever you get the good news, it is a good idea to call your healthcare provider and schedule your first appointment. They will want to know the first day of your last period. Surprisingly to many first-time moms, your pregnancy begins on the first day of your last menstrual period.
Here is your first trimester to do list for first time moms for weeks 1-4:
- Call your health care provider & schedule your first appointment
- Calculate your baby’s due date
- Make sure you’re taking your prenatal vitamins
- Grab & USE a giant water bottle to ensure you’re drinking enough water
- Make necessary lifestyle adjustments
Let’s continue reading about the first trimester to do list for first time moms.
Weeks 5-8
If you didn’t discover you were pregnant during 1-4 weeks of pregnancy, you’re likely finding out now. The first weeks of pregnancy are filled with so much joy. During this period, you may be experiencing symptoms like sore breasts, nausea, or even food aversions.
The good news is that nursing bras and yoga pants make ginormous difference. Ditch the bras with underwires. Ouch! Try eating several small snacks throughout the day and add ginger to your food or drinks to help combat nausea. Eat healthy foods to nourish your growing babe. Having a healthy pregnancy diet pays off!
TRY to stay active. I know this is easier said than done. Especially if you’re not feeling well. Break out those maternity bras and maternity pants. THESE are the most comfortable bras. I love wearing these during pregnancy AND postpartum. You will live in these!
Listen to your body. If you can squeeze in a nap and you’re feeling tired, do it.
When you’re feeling awful, ticking items off your first trimester to do list for first time moms can be difficult. Don’t worry though! These are things you can do while lying down.
Here is your first trimester to do list for first time moms for weeks 5-8:
- Break out your maternity clothes
- Create a list of questions for your first prenatal appointment
- Get a pregnancy tracker app
- Understand your health insurance coverage
- Plan healthy & nutritious meals & also buy nausea-friendly foods (here are some great food ideas if you’re feeling nauseous)
- Get something for morning sickness
Now that we covered weeks 1-8, let’s hop to the rest of the first trimester to do list for first time moms.
Weeks 9-12
Your baby has come a long way so far! During week 9 hormone irritability can peak. So much fun! You are probably still feeling fatigued. You may notice that your lower abdomen is feeling a little firmer since your uterus has almost doubled in size.
You may notice that your symptoms are lessening during week 10. You may ALSO notice that your veins are more visible. This is because the blood volume in your body has increased. Now is the time when your doctor can perform genetic testing. This test looks for any risk factors like birth defects or chromosomal abnormalities.
By week 11 the placenta is becoming more functional, which should give you some relief.
Some common symptoms during week 12 are increased vaginal discharge, headaches, increased saliva, gas, heightened sense of smell, and heartburn. Besides having a first trimester to do list for first time moms, it is JUST as helpful to know what to expect each week!
Here is your first trimester to do list for first time moms:
- Attend first appointment & first ultrasound scan
- Genetic testing (if you wish)
- Begin thinking about pregnancy announcements
- Begin planning baby essentials for the baby registry
Now for the final items on the first trimester to do list for first time moms.
(RELATED POST: 17 Insane Baby Essentials First 3 Months That Will Simplify Mom Life)
Weeks 13-14
Congratulations! You are in the home stretch of the first trimester! Hopefully, your symptoms have eased up at this point and you are feeling a bit of relief. During these 2 weeks, you may experience food cravings, food aversions, swollen breasts, and constipation.
Here is your first trimester to do list for first time moms:
- Continue setting up & adding to your baby registry
- Start reading up on what to expect during pregnancy (I highly recommend this book!)
- Start light exercising/going for walks
Keep reading to grab your first trimester to do list for first time moms free printable.
Prenatal Vitamins Are Essential
Calling all pregnant people! It is recommended to take prenatal vitamins while trying to conceive. However, once you get your first positive home pregnancy test, you need to make sure you’re taking a prenatal vitamin.
Folic acid will help prevent neural tube defects. This means that folic acid protects against abnormalities of the baby’s brain and spinal cord (for example Spina Bifida). Iron helps support your growing baby as well as the placenta. Iron ALSO helps prevent anemia.
When shopping for a prenatal vitamin, calcium and vitamin D are also important. This will help support your baby’s teeth and bones. In addition, DHA, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, and iodine are also helpful. These are the prenatals I use and love!
Depending on your medical history, your doctor may prescribe folic acid supplements. Talk to your doctor about which prenatals are right for you.
Make Sure You Like Your OBGYN
Pregnancy is the most beautiful and exciting experience of a woman’s life. It also comes with a lot of fear and anxiety. So having an OBGYN that you ACTUALLY like and trust, means the world.
After all, they will be seeing you for a long time. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you will be seeing them MORE frequently. So do you like and trust yours? If not, make a change. You will also need to make a birth plan, so having your doctor, midwife, or doula in your corner is critical.
Prepare For Every Prenatal Visit
If I go to the doctor’s office with lots of burning questions in my mind and do not write them down, I WILL forget them. So I encourage you to write down any questions you have before your appointment. This way you won’t miss a thing. Plus pregnancy brain is so real! I have never been more forgetful than when I am pregnant. Here are some questions I have asked my OB:
- How much weight gain should I aim for?
- What food should I avoid?
- What medications and household cleaners should I avoid?
- What childbirth classes do you recommend?
- What can I do for constipation?
- How and when can we check that this is a healthy pregnancy?
- When can we schedule genetic testing?
Check Medication Safety
Your first visit is a good time to discuss medication. They will want to know your pharmacy as well as what medications you are currently taking.
They will inform you about which medications are safe and unsafe for a pregnant woman to take.
If you have been seeing your doctor for quite some time, they will already know your medical history. But if this is a new doctor, they may have some additional questions for you.
Don’t Go Crazy With The Cravings
The first trimester is a crazy time. You will likely feel sick and experience cravings or food aversions. Don’t go crazy with giving in to all the cravings.
When I was pregnant with my daughter I gave in to it all. I ended up gaining more weight than I should have. Which made it hard to back into shape.
This time around I am doing things differently! I am not saying to diet and deprive yourself. I just went a little overboard with giving in to ALL the cravings.
During the first trimester, you probably won’t need any additional calories. Instead, try your best to eat the most nourishing foods! I know how hard this can be if you are feeling sick. You can only do your best mama! Hang in there.
Now for the exciting part. Your free printable. You will just LOVE your first trimester to do list for first time moms.
First Trimester Pregnancy Checklist
This first trimester to do list for first time moms will help you navigate weeks 1-14. Check it out below!
Final Thoughts
I hope this first trimester to do list for first time moms helped make your pregnancy a bit easier. I wish you the healthiest pregnancy.
Welcoming a new baby is the MOST beautiful moment. I am sure you will feel relief during your second trimester. Don’t panic if relief doesn’t happen as soon as the second trimester begins. My symptoms didn’t subside until 16 weeks. Everyone is different.
Soon enough you’ll be through your third trimester and in the blink of the eye your new bundle of joy will be in your arms.
I hope this first trimester to do list for first time moms helped you out! If I left anything off the list that should be added, comment below!
This post was all about first trimester to do list for first time moms.
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