Are you looking to learn more about baby food stages as you get ready to introduce solids to your baby? These are the important tidbits you need to remember!
Introducing solids and learning about the baby food stages is both exciting and nerve-wracking for many moms. I totally get it. If you are like me, you are doing all of the research to make the food journey as easy as possible. As a mommy myself, I am giving you the important tips that helped me confidently feed my baby.
You are going to learn about baby food stages from stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and tips that help you gear up in the kitchen.
After learning about the baby food stages, you are going to feel prepared and self-assured while feeding your baby.
This post is all about the baby food stages that every mama will benefit from.
Best Baby Food Stages Tips
1. Baby Food Stages Chart
2. Baby Food Stages By Age
When introducing purees to your little one, you have probably wondered which baby food stages are recommended by age. I know I did. Before introducing food to your baby, you want to check with your pediatrician first to make sure that your baby is ready. Baby food stage 1 purees are good for babies who are 4-6 months old. Stage 2 purees are good for babies who are 6 months and up. Stage 3 purees are good for babies 9 months and up. Finger goods are good for babies 10 months and up. I know some mamas prefer to introduce purees and others prefer to introduce baby-led weaning. Baby-led weaning is good for babies 6 months and up. Personally, I started with purees because it made me feel more comfortable. With the guidance of your child’s pediatrician, do whatever makes you feel most comfortable!
(RELATED POST: 5 Nutritious Baby Food Recipes 6-8 Months That Every Mama Needs)
3. Know The Difference Between Baby Food Stages
The baby food stages chart above is a great guide to help you determine the difference between the baby food stages. I chose to make homemade baby food for my daughter. Here is a helpful tip while making your own baby food. You can add as much breast milk or formula as you need to change the consistency. When I puree her food, I will add a little breast milk at a time and then blend. If I needed it to be stage 1, I added more milk. If I needed it to be stage 2, I added less milk.
Looking for stage 1 baby food list? Check out the post below.
(RELATED POST: 6 Yummy Baby Food Recipes Stage 1 To Whip Up Right Now | Plus Helpful Information)
4. A Couple of Stage 2 Baby Food Recipes
Oatmeal is a great food to have on hand for your baby. I boiled three cups of water. Once the water reached a boil, I added in one cup of oats. I covered it and set the timer for 30 minutes to ensure that the oatmeal was nice and soft. Once 30 minutes was up, I let it cool for a bit and then threw it in my puree maker. I blended 4 ounces of breastmilk. The beauty of oats is that they are SO nutritious and they pair well with so many other foods. You can mix oatmeal with banana, (one of my daughter’s favorites), blueberries, barley, and more. I like to store my oatmeal separately so we can switch up the menu a bit when we want to.
Broccoli and Peas
Another great stage 2 recipe is broccoli and peas. I steamed the broccoli until it was super soft. You will want to do the same with peas. Once both ingredients are soft enough you can simply throw them in the baby puree maker and blend away. Add as much breast milk or formula as you feel comfortable.
Those were just a couple of baby food stage 2 recipes. There are so many yummy food pairs out there for your baby. Have fun trying new food combinations with your little one!
5. Start Small
Don’t overwhelm yourself. Start small! That is what I did. My pediatrician recommended waiting three days before introducing a new food. My pediatrician’s office kindly gave me a baby feeding chart for first foods. It mapped out foods to introduce at 4-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, and 12 months and up. The chart is sectioned by fruits, veggies, cereals and grains, and meat and dairy. I started with the veggies, then fruits, grains, and lastly meat.
It is important not to introduce fruit before veggies. Of course, I want her to love her greens. I picked a new food to introduce each week. Each week I crossed that food off my list and picked a new one for the following week. I am having fun combining different foods for her to try. I always love seeing her initial reaction when trying a new food or even a new food combination.
6. Research, Research, Research
As a new mom, I am all about the research. Do thorough research on baby food stages. I picked my pediatrician’s brain about food, read articles, and blogs, watch videos, you name it! There are so many resources available that help you prepare your child’s baby food. If you are just getting started, I recommend that you read my blog post below containing more detailed stage 1 baby puree recipes.
Looking to learn more about what age is stage 1 baby food? Or what age is stage 3 baby food? Or what age is stage 4 baby food? This article was very helpful to me.
(RELATED POST: Informative Beginner’s Guide: Baby Food Chart By Age | This Will Help You Plan Mealtime)
7. Support Local Farmers
I love to go to Farmers Markets. In addition to it being a fun experience, it is a great way to support your local farmers. I suggest going and stocking up on all the yummy fruits and vegetables for your sweetie to enjoy. Local farmers can help you prepare meals for all baby food stages.
8. Don’t Make Large Amounts Until…
I absolutely love making homemade baby food. Don’t make the mistake of making a huge amount until you know your baby likes the particular food. I learned the hard way. Whipping up baby food in the kitchen is always so exciting to me. I made a huge batch a few times and it ended up being a waste because she wasn’t a fan. I do plan to have her try the food again in the future. They say it can take several attempts before a baby accepts a new food. Keep this in mind when transitioning to a new baby food stage. When my little one transitioned from stage 2 to 3, it took several tries before she got used to the consistency.
9. Have Fun With Food Combinations
When you are getting ready to prepare stage 2 food, have fun with different food combinations. If during the stage 1 phase, you noticed your little one loved sweet potatoes, think of what you can combine with that for your little one to taste. This is where the baby feeding chart for first foods came in handy from my pediatrician’s office. When preparing the food I was sure to pick food that was age appropriate. My daughter loves peaches and will do ANYTHING for pears. So I knew that combining the two would absolutely blow her mind.
That’s the baby food stages tips that helped me prepare food for my baby girl.
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