Are you dealing with the 15 month old sleep regression? This blog post will help you navigate the 15 month old sleep regression successfully.

If your little one is currently going through the 15 month old sleep regression, you are not alone. This blog post will provide you with causes, coping strategies, and solutions for blissful nights. Hang in there mama! Separation anxiety, new skills, and middle of the night wakings- welcome to the 15 months of age sleep regression!
I have been through it. Actually, several sleep regressions at this point. It always seems like sleep regressions creep up on you and it is definitely a big adjustment period. The 15-month sleep regression can be rough. As your little one reaches this critical age, you might observe extreme disturbances in their sleep patterns.
There is good news though. This will not last forever. Understanding the impact of separation anxiety and the development of new skills during this point in time can help you get past the dreaded 15 month old sleep regression. Here is something that will help you and your little one get through these sleep regressions. This white noise machine will help your baby sleep more soundly. You too! This is a must-have during the 15 month old sleep regression!
From coping with those trying midnight wake-ups to establishing healthier sleep patterns, I am covering it all. Let’s unpack the 15 month old sleep regression and get you and your baby on track to uninterrupted nights. Sounds good right? By the end of this post, you will have insights, coping strategies, and solutions to help you navigate this challenging period. Are you wondering what the 15 month old sleep regression is?
This post is all about the 15 month old sleep regression.
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The 15 Month Old Sleep Regression
What is a 15 Month Old Sleep Regression?
A sleep regression is when you notice a sudden change in your child’s sleep. They may be fighting naps, taking shorter naps, or even waking up more frequently at night. Nap transition can play a role in toddler sleep regressions. Your 15-month old is working hard at meeting important milestones. During the 15 month old sleep regression, you may start to notice a difference between your child’s wake windows or awake time.
Between watching your baby meet developmental milestones, preparing their meals and snacks, and taking care of everyone and everything else in your house, it can feel like a lot! I know whenever my little one hits a sleep regression it makes everything else seem impossible to check off of the to-do list. So if you are in the thick of it, you are probably wondering the best way to deal with the 15 month old sleep regression.
As your little one gets closer to 15 months old, you might notice big changes in their sleep patterns, oftentimes affected by their nap transition. At this age, it is critical to implement nap schedules that complement wake windows or awake time. Finding the best way to manage this change is essential. Consistency is so important. Babies love and need routine. Routines make everything easier.
During this period of time, toddlers might experience disruptions in their sleep. This might look like shorter naps or even fighting naps. These always make for the roughest days in our house. As a stay-at-home mama, I love nap time. Naturally, these toddler sleep regressions lead to overtiredness and difficulty falling or staying asleep at night. Hello 15 month old sleep regression!
Understanding how to navigate this trying time is so important. As toddlers achieve new skills and cognitive growth, they sometimes have a hard time getting to sleep or even staying asleep. They are busy thinking about their cool new tricks like walking and talking up a storm. As parents, balancing awake time with activities as well as settling down techniques, we can make this transitional time a bit easier. On everyone in the house!
The 15 month sleep regression can feel really overwhelming, but this too shall pass. It is not permanent. It is temporary. Through every sleep regression, including the 15 month old sleep regression, I remind myself of this. With patience, consistency, routines, and knowledge, we can get through this together. In order to get through it, you should have a good understanding of why the 15 month old sleep regression happens.
Causes and Triggers of Sleep Regression at 15 Months
The 15-month sleep regression can be a frustrating and confusing time for parents. Disruption in sleep is awful! During this regression, there are big changes in a toddler’s sleep patterns. Having a good grasp of the causes, including sleep times, night wakings, the 18-month sleep regression, a consistent bedtime routine, sleep cycles, and developmental leap, is crucial. This will help you both manage and support your child. Let’s talk about the developmental leap during the 15 month old sleep regression.
Developmental Leap
At 15 months, toddlers have this new sense of independence. They want to do everything themselves. During this time period, toddlers are reaching new milestones and undergoing developmental leaps. Both cognitively and physically. If your baby experiences increased excitement and overstimulation, this can certainly impact quality sleep. An exciting new milestone might be on your baby’s mind. They might be wishing they were running around instead of stuck in their crib.
Nap Transition
Many toddlers drop from two naps to one around this time. As a result, they may be experiencing shorter or inconsistent naps. You can imagine that this makes your baby overtired. When a baby is overtired, they may have trouble falling asleep or they may be prone to nighttime wakings. It takes my daughter a minute to adjust to a new routine. So if your routine is changing, give your babe some time to become familiar. Your little one might just need to adjust to the new normal.
Separation Anxiety
Of course, toddlers love their mama and dada. They may wake up more often and cry out seeking comfort and reassurance from their favorite people. Self-soothing can be an obstacle during the 15 month old sleep regression, but it is oh so important!
Cognitive Development
At 15 months, toddlers are saying more words. Their expanding vocabulary could be playing a role in their disrupted sleep. You might be finding your little one talking a lot when they should be sleeping or even hear them calling out for you. Transitioning during sleep stages is oftentimes challenging for these growing babies. Toddlers at this age are also great at imagining, so it is very possible that your toddler is feeling afraid of the dark. This fear might just be negatively impacting their sleep.
Teething and Discomfort
Teething is terrible! Pain and discomfort can certainly affect your child’s sleep. Sore gums and discomfort may keep your little one awake at night or cause them to have issues falling back to sleep. It is also important to note that other things like a cold, fever, or a dreaded ear infection can keep your little one up at night.
(RELATED POST: 7 Most Effective Natural Teething Remedies)
So how exactly can you recognize the 15 month old sleep regression?
Recognizing Sleep Regression
Sleep disruptions are a clue that the 15 month old sleep regression has arrived, but how else can you spot it? There are some common signs and symptoms to look out for in your 15 month old toddler. Knowing these will help you improve your child’s sleep. Maybe you have been using a white noise machine and you need a few more tips and tricks to get you through. This has been SUCH a help to our family during the 15 month old sleep regression.
At this age, toddlers don’t have all the language skills to communicate effectively with us, but we know when they need help and comfort. So what exactly are the signs and symptoms of 12-15 month sleep regression?
- Cranky: You may notice your little one is way more irritable than usual.
- Frequent wake-ups: Your baby may be waking up more frequently during naptime or throughout the night. They may also be waking up much earlier than usual in the morning. Like super duper early.
- Fighting naps: They may fight or refuse naptime.
These signs differ from regular sleep disturbances because you notice them happening more frequently. With my daughter, her sleep regressions tend to last for a week. After a week of consistency, she is able to get into the swing of things.
Don’t worry though! There are some really great coping strategies for the 15 month old sleep regression.
Coping Strategies for Parents
Sleepless nights are not easy. Babies at 15 months require 12-15 hours of total sleep. They need hours of sleep and when they are not getting it nobody in the house is happy. Good sleep habits are crucial, and we want our littles to have their needs met. Sometimes sleep training doesn’t cut it alone, and we have to roll with the regression. Sleep problems and early wakings are hard. How can you cope while you are working on improving your baby’s sleep schedule?
- Understand and accept it: These sleep regressions happen to the best of us. So just embrace these coping strategies and know that better sleep is in your future.
- Keep your cool: When your toddler’s sleep is disrupted by the 15 month old sleep regression, keep your cool. If you are expressing frustration or anxiousness your toddler can pick up on this and begin feeling the same way you are. Remember that toddlers love getting attention. Try your best not to react. Sometimes they just want a reaction, whether it is a positive or a negative one.
- Reevaluate your routine: Look closely at your routine. Try to make sure that naptime and bedtime are happening at the same time throughout the week. If you give your toddler a nap at 11 every morning, try your best to give your baby a nap at this time for the rest of the week. Creating a consistent and predictable schedule for your baby is the best thing you can do. For example, your baby’s bedtime routine may look like play, bath, lotion, brush teeth, story, and finally go to bed.
- Provide comfort and reassurance: The 15 month old sleep regression is hard on your little one. Provide your toddler with comfort and reassurance. Give them extra cuddles and soothing words to ensure their sleep needs are met. It is important to note that the common sleep regression stages are: 6 weeks, 3-4 months, 6 months, 8-10 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 2 years old. It is possible that regressions do not always arrive right on time. If you are going through the 15 month sleep regression, know that you are almost through these stages! Hopefully, this brings you some comfort as well!
- Create a sleep-conducive environment: Ensure that your baby’s room is conducive to their sleep needs by keeping the room dark. Blackout curtains are life-changing. You also want to keep the nursery at a comfortable temperature. White noise machines are just as magical as blackout curtains. We love ours.
Continue offering naps:
Continue to offer your baby naps. Do not give up! Eventually, your little darling will realize that naps are going to be a part of their daily routine and that they aren’t going anywhere. So they might as well embrace it!
- Be consistent: Try your best to be consistent with your child’s schedule. Having a sense of predictability works wonders.
- Consider introducing a comfort object: Maybe there is a stuffed animal in your child’s life that they really love. It might be beneficial to offer that comfort stuffed animal to your baby, especially if they are afraid of a dark room.
- Gentle sleep training: We used the Ferber method when sleep training our daughter and it worked like a charm. All child’s needs are different. Parents too. If you’re interested in sleep training, you decide what gentle sleep training works best for your family. Just because your baby was once sleep trained, doesn’t mean they don’t need a refresher from time to time.
- Seek support from your partner: Tap your partner in when you need them. It is helpful to share responsibilities providing soothing and comfort to your child. Regressions are for a short time but boy can they feel long.
- Talk to your pediatrician: If the 15 month sleep progression is just lingering on and on, consult your pediatrician. They will be able to offer their medical advice and check that there are no underlying issues going on.
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So what else can you do to help with the 15 month old sleep regression?
Creating a Consistent Bedtime Routine
Creating a consistent bedtime routine is essential. Continue to be consistent during the 15 month old sleep regression. This will help your toddler deal with the challenges of sleep regression, brain development, as well as motor leaps. Implementing a calming and consistent bedtime routine is the key to restful nights throughout this trying period during your toddler’s life. Establishing a predictable bedtime routine will help support their circadian rhythm. Say bye-bye to poor sleep and hello to longer periods of sleep! So what should a consistent bedtime routine look like during the 15 month old sleep regression?
- Set a Fixed Bedtime: Pick a bedtime that you and your family can easily stick to. For babies this age, the sweet spot is between 7:00 and 8:00. Continue putting your baby to sleep during that same time, even on the weekends. This will help regulate their internal sleep clock.
- Start Early: Try to time everything right. Begin the routine before your child’s bedtime. This will help them easily transition and get familiar with doing x, y, and z before bed.
- Calming Activities: Intentionally incorporate calming activities into the bedtime routine. Some examples are reading a book, taking a bath, or snuggling with mommy and daddy. Calming activities will help your little one get into a state of relaxation.
- Limit Screen Time: Try to avoid screen time before bed. TV will likely get your toddler all pumped up and excited. Blue light can actually interfere with the circadian rhythm.
- Dim the Lights: As bedtime is approaching, dim the lights to create a calming environment.
- Pajama Time: This is another signal to your little one that they are getting ready to fall asleep.
- Brush Teeth: Brushing teeth enforces good oral hygiene, but it also serves as another reminder to your child that their bedtime is soon.
- Snuggle Time: This is my favorite. Before bedtime, my husband and I sneak in all the snuggles and sugar we can get.
- Consistent Order: Create a sequential order for your bedtime routine and stick to it. When children know what is coming next, life is good!
- Transition to Crib: Finally, lay your toddler in their crib.
- Reassurance: Reassure your little one by giving them a kiss and a short gentle back rub if they are worked up.
- Seek Expert Advice: If you and your little one are really struggling with the 15-month sleep regression, you may decide to consult with sleep experts or a pediatric sleep consultant for advice. Certified sleep consultants have a wealth of knowledge about this topic.
Avoid Sleep Associations
Naturally, we all want our littles to maintain healthy sleep habits. So avoiding sleep associations is very important during this time period. Meaning, that we do not want our children to rely on rocking, laying next to mama and dada, being driven around to fall asleep, or relying on anyone or something else for quality sleep. We want our toddlers to become great independent sleepers. We all know the 15 month old sleep regression comes with disruptions and challenges. With this being said, we need to address any old habits and set our children up for a great sleep routine.
You want to encourage your little one to self-soothe and become an independent sleeper. Even though sleep props were suggested above as a suggestion for calming your little one, be careful about making this a habit. You don’t want your toddler to rely on a sleep prop to fall asleep. Fostering independent sleeping free from sleep issues is the goal.
There are easy changes you can make to optimize your child’s sleep environment. They can make a significant difference and will help your toddler get enough sleep. You too! Let’s unpack more tips for dealing with the 15 month old sleep regression.
Optimizing Sleep Environment
- Darkness Makes a Difference: A dark room will signal to your child’s body that it is time to sleep. I swear by blackout curtains. Keeping the darkness out during daytime naps and during bedtime is essential. This is a super helpful tip to remember during the 15 month old sleep regression!
- Maintain a Comfortable Temperature: Keep the room comfortable for your little one. A room temperature between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit is a great range.
- White Noise: We love our white noise machine. We used it during the 15 month regression, but quite honestly we have also always used it. It is a great way to drown out the other sounds in your home. It’s a wonderful way to help your little one sleep. If your little one has been taking really short naps, try adding a white noise machine to your nursery and see if that helps your toddler sleep longer.
- Comfortable Bedding: Comfortable bedding is a great way to encourage your baby to get into a deep sleep. This is the waterproof mattress we love and use. I highly recommend it! Comfortable crib sheets are also a must-have. Setting up comfortable bedding is a part of our consistent routine.
- Limit Stimulation: Limit stimulation from your active toddlers’ bedroom. We keep toys and electronics in the playroom, not inside of bedrooms. Keeping your nursery free from all stimulations will help your child’s quality sleep. Limiting stimulation is a great tip for managing the 15 month old sleep regression.
- Comfort Companion: If your toddler has not been getting much sleep, you may decide to offer a comfort companion like a stuffed animal.
- Consistency in Setup: Keep a consistent routine for nap and bedtime. This will help your baby have restful sleep.
- Safety First: Of course, check that the nursery is safe. Secure all cords, cover all outlets, and remove any potential dangers.
- Night Light: A night light will help give your toddler some comfort if they are afraid of the dark. This serves as a nightlight and a sound machine.
- Personalize the Space: Have your little one help personalize their space. Do this by having them pick out their pajamas or stuffed animal. This will give them a little extra comfort during the 15 month sleep regression.
(RELATED POST: 27 Toddler Must Haves We Love)
So how can you handle night wakings during the 15 month old sleep regression?
Handling Night Wakings
Some toddlers this age will take just a couple weeks to readjust, others may take a bit longer. Hang in there! Remember the 15 month old sleep regression doesn’t last forever. The important thing to remind yourself is that this is not forever. Here are some tips for handling night wakings to make the process a bit smoother:
- Don’t Run In: Try not to go rushing in. If your toddler is making a few sounds or sitting in their crib, give them some extra time to settle down independently.
- Don’t Pick Your Toddler Up: If your baby has been up for a little bit and you go in to check on them, try not to pick them up. The goal is for your toddler to learn to self-soothe and comfort themself. You can offer gentle back rubs and offer a few words of comfort like “Shh” or “Go to sleep.”
- Be Consistent: Keep your reaction the same during the 15 month old sleep regression. In order to have a great little sleeper, consistency is necessary. You don’t want to confuse your toddler by rushing in to rock them to sleep one night and not going in right away the following night.
Adjusting Nap Schedules
With big life changes like developmental changes, your 15-month-old schedule may just need some adjustment. Not every baby is the same. During the 15 month old sleep regression, some babies are taking two naps and others may have already transitioned to one nap. For this reason, the wake window will look different.
If your baby is taking one nap a day, aim for a wake window of 4-6 hours.
If your baby is still taking two naps a day, aim for their first wake window and their second wake window to be 3-4 hours.
When the 15 month old sleep regression kicks in, try making some tweaks to your child’s nap schedule. A possible cause for sleep changes at this age may be your baby needing to drop the second nap.
Making sure your child has enough time between wake windows is critical. Always avoid an overtired baby! When we became new parents, we learned just how challenging it is trying to put an overtired baby to sleep. Wow.
Patience and Consistency
The best piece of advice during the 15 month sleep regression is to remember to have patience and be consistent. This is absolutely paramount during this time period. In order to foster good habits for your soon to be great little sleeper, you must be consistent.
Applying these suggestions one day and not the following day will send your toddler mixed messages. It is important to teach and maintain good habits and provide steady support along the way.
There will be times when you notice external factors like changes in routine, travel, and teething are impacting your child’s sleep, Like us, children need time to readjust. After changing our routine, my daughter takes a minute to get the hang of it. It will eventually click so hang in there. After traveling, it takes my daughter a day or two to reacclimate.
Weather environmental factors like noise disturbances. I know I always get frustrated when the dogs bark or the lawn service arrives just as nap time is beginning. Take a deep breath, and turn that white noise machine on.
One year and 3 months of life is tough stuff! Navigating the 15-month marks and the 15 month old sleep regression that sometimes comes along with it can be one of the exhausting phases. Of course, this is also a really fun age as your little one is learning new tricks. Major changes come with obstacles. If you are currently going through the 15 month sleep regression remember to have some patience. Pay close attention to your baby’s schedule. Perhaps your toddler needs some tweaks to their daily schedule. How do the wake windows look? Is your toddler ready to drop their second nap? This change could ease the 15 month old sleep regression.
Remember the coping strategies for exhausted parents. Try to avoid sleep associations in order to encourage a strong independent sleeper. If you have not already added white noise machine into your routine, give it a shot. It helped my little one during the 15 month old sleep regression. Understanding, support, and consistent strategies will help you navigate the 15 month old sleep regression successfully. I wish you and your little one blissful nights! You’ve got this.
This post was all about the 15 month old sleep regression.
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